
In-depth psychological evaluations for clinicians and professionals.

Psychological evaluations help construct a comprehensive profile of an individual and can aid in developing effective treatment strategies.

Immigration Evaluations

We provide comprehensive psychological evaluations for individuals seeking asylum within the United States. Trained to administer, score, and interpret a broad array of personality, cognitive, and achievement assessment tools, we adhere strictly to the standards outlined in the United Nations' "Istanbul Protocol." Typically, asylum-seeking evaluations span 2-3 consecutive testing days, with the final reports being completed within 2-3 weeks.

Cognitive Evaluations

Cognitive evaluations are recognized as the gold standard in accurately diagnosing various mental disorders, including Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, and Learning Disorders. The goal of a cognitive evaluation is to answer specific referral questions, thereby assisting in targeted treatment planning and conceptualization. These evaluations typically span 3-4 testing days, which can be scheduled consecutively or spread out over multiple weeks. Following the testing, we provide a comprehensive treatment report detailing the results, along with a brief summary report tailored for clients or professionals.